Recognition & Appreciation Awards, May 6, 2003
"Understanding Your Child’s Neuropsychological Evaluation" presented by Dr. Elizabeth Englander, Bridgewater State College
Web Based PowerPoint Presentation
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"Keeping Your Children Safe" What can parents do to ensure the safety of their children concerning the following areas: Abduction, Sexual Victimization, Bullying, and Internet Safety. Presented January 28, 2003.
Web Based PowerPoint Presentation
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Child Safety Handout
Different Children, Different Needs, October 15, 2002: Presented by Dr. Claire Jackson
Web Based PowerPoint Presentation
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Recognition & Appreciation Awards, May 7, 2002
12/15/2001: Harlem Rockets
Challenger Baseball-2001
4/24/2001: 2001 Appreciation Awards
3/7/2000: SSEPAC Appreciation Awards
10/29/98: The IEP, The Parent's Role in Its Development
11/13/98: The Harlem Rockets
12/01/98: Understanding the WISC test, & scores. What do they mean?
1/21/99: Autism, A View From Within
3/4/99: Circle of Friends
3/18/99: Brain Gym Workshop